Apparatus has a transparent tank with nozzles, various inserts on the water drain, an impeller and a point
gauge for detecting the vortex profiles. In fluid dynamics, a vortex is a spherical flow of a liquid produced
by satisfactorily big velocity gradients. In practice, this can be experimental when water flows out of a
basin into a pipe or when two fluids with different speeds meet each other. This experimental unit consents
you to produce and study free and forced vortices.
- Water supply and flow rate measurement via
EDC-FM-100 base module.
- Point gauges detect the surface profile.
- Cohort and study of vortices.
- Transparent tank allows picturing of vortex
- Different inserts for the water channel to
generate free vortex.
- Impeller for generating a forced vortex.
Technical data
- Transparent Tank: D:250mm, H: 200mm.
- 4 inserts for the water drain of different diameter: 8, 12, 16 and 24mm.
- Impeller with blades.
- Vertical point gauge with moveable rods: Qty 6.
- Horizontal point gauge with 2 moveable rods.
- Measuring tube: moveable.
Dimensions and weight
LxWxH:650 X 500 X 700
Weight:20 kg